Franchise Council of Australia (FCA)

Industry Association

The Franchise Council of Australia is the peak body for the $184billion franchise business segment, which includes 1,344 networks, with 98,000+ individual franchised outlets, employing more than 598,000 people.

In Australia today, there is a franchise operating in almost every type of business category, with varying levels of complexity and market share, creating employment and prosperity for the nation.

The FCA provides a platform for franchisors, franchisees, service providers and small to medium businesses to influence government policy, communicate with political leaders and key decision makers, network with peers and engage in policy debates.

FCA Objectives

To establish standards of international best practice for Australian franchise systems.
To provide information and education to existing and potential franchisees and franchisors.
To inform State and Federal Governments on issues relevant to the sector.
To develop a vital, strong and financially viable franchising sector.
To advance the interests of members in Australia, the international franchise community, franchise advisory councils, small business forums, and property leasing organisations (particularly shopping centres).

Level 3/21 Victoria Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

(03) 9508 0888