Cozy Tea Loft

Food or Beverages

“Cozy Tea Loft”, a local brand of Taiwan, originated from Tainan City 8 years ago. With professionalism and the passion for bubble milk tea, we constantly innovate and upgrade our products, producing a variety of exquisite tea beverages. We hope to establish ourselves in Taiwan and promote Taiwan’s bubble milk tea culture to the world. We understand that innovation and change signifies an unbeatable principle to stay competitive in the market, and that we have to grasp the trends and pulses. We base our research and development of beverages on 3 elements (unique/innovative/trendsetting), and continuously launch unique beverages and employ sales methods that will drive discussions, catch the public’s attention, and satisfy consumers’ taste buds.

No. 17-9, Section 1, Baoan Road, Rende District, Tainan City
